10 Jun Updates and reminder
As most OVs in your practices will now be aware, the planned move towards default six monthly testing in the High Risk Areas of England has been temporarily postponed. Several ‘OV Briefing Notes’ have been issued in recent weeks that generally focus on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Please visit the government pages at http://apha. defra.gov.uk/official-vets/briefing%20notes.htm to find your latest updates. One item, that we have been asked to make everyone aware of, is the fact that members of the public, farmers or vets in practice can now contact APHA’s Intelligence Unit to report any potential, or suspect, non-compliance with any official TB controls. This may include suspicions of illegal movements on or off TB-restricted farms or any alleged interference with the skin test. The email address for the Intelligence Unit appears on the TB hub contact section with some information about what the team does. If you wish to publicise this yourselves then the mail address is [email protected]