10 Feb Two changes to licensed TB unit rules came into effect from 31st December 2022 in England and Wales.
TB Isolation Units (TBIUs)
The validity of a pre-movement test for cattle from TB-restricted holdings entering a TBIU has increased from 30 to 60 days.
Approved Finishing Units (AFUs)
A pre-movement test is no longer required for cattle moving directly between AFUs (with and without grazing) and indirectly via approved TB-dedicated sales (orange markets). These movements will still need to be licensed by APHA in the usual way. For direct movements, as part of the veterinary risk assessment conducted before issuing a licence, APHA will review whether there has been any non-compliance recorded at the last annual audit of both the sending and receiving AFUs. If there are any unresolved non-compliances, the pre-movement testing dispensation will not apply.
Cattle (other than calves under 42 days old) moved from TB-restricted (breakdown) herds to AFUs directly or via orange markets will still require a negative tuberculin skin test within 90 days before the movement.