12 Oct Non TB work
All records relating to non-TB tasks have to be submitted via SAM before midnight on the next working day after going on farm. However, the details can be submitted by any member of the practice team as there is no veterinary certification involved.
Anthrax, Brucella, Non-Bovine TB testing and On-Farm Isolation Unit inspection all fall under this so-called ‘Service B’ category
Our admin team at XL Farmcare UK receive notification for these tasks from APHA either by phone for Anthrax and Brucellosis or via email for Non-Bovine TB tests and On Farm Isolation Unit visits. We send out the AN02 forms that you need for an Anthrax enquiry but once completed they must be sent back directly to your local APHA office.
It is worth noting that we have had a few instances where the OV attending the farm is not listed as holding the relevant OCQ(V)-SS along with the OCQ(V)-ES that is now required to carry out Anthrax and Brucella enquiries. Revalidation of these qualifications becomes due in the spring of 2018 and has a price tag of £99 via Improve. We have already explained to the APHA teams that it is extremely unlikely that all currently qualified OVs will wish to renew and remain eligible to carry out Anthrax and Brucellosis visits.
On Farm Isolation Unit inspections aren’t currently covered by a specific OCQ. However, we have found that the APHA duty vets frequently require more information than may be obvious from the paperwork that is provided. We would certainly encourage that you review the questionnaire involved carefully before the farm visit and to perhaps speak with both farmer and the local APHA duty vet to ensure that you are fully prepared. We can assist by supplying an example of the paperwork involved.
Please note that when we send a practice the paperwork for a non-bovine test the BT4 form is always password protected. We always provide the password by telephone to a member of your practice staff when we call to inform you about the work. Please remember to keep the password to hand!