10 Feb Key Performance Indicators
Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs, are part of the contractual obligations that must be met by Farmcare in the Defra contracts. This is extended to practices carrying out the work, on behalf of Farmcare and are monitored on a monthly basis.
KPI-01 – submission on Sam of reactors/inconclusive reactor results within one working day of TT2
KPI-02 – submission on Sam of clear test results within five working days of TT2
KPI-03 – submission on Sam of the WSA and submission of paperwork, both within five working days of TT2
KPI-06 – submission on Sam of the WSA within one working day of being on farm
If the KPI is not met, an exception is generated. Farmcare can appeal exceptions on behalf of the practice if the reason for the exception was beyond the control of the practice. We make contact with all practices, via the named TB Contact, that appear on the exception report requesting reasons for late submissions. We have seen a decrease in recent months in responses from practices, therefore we believe there may be exceptions not being appealed, even if eligible.
Should you wish to pro-actively notify us of a late submission, please send the details to [email protected] We encourage practices to obtain evidence, wherever possible, to support the appeal. This may be screenshots, or a Helpdesk reference number if the Sam Support Team at APHA has been contacted.