10 Feb Issuing a TB181
Every non-clear TB test, regardless of how long the farm has been under restrictions, must be issued with a TB181 at the end of the test. For new breakdowns this needs to be a paper copy but for ongoing breakdowns it can be issued electronically using the editable PDF provided by APHA at http://apha.defra.gov.uk//external-operations-admin/library/documents/tuberculosis/TB181.pdf
As well as issuing the TB181 please remember to tick the box on Sam at test submission, indicating that this step has taken place. If this isn’t ticked APHA assume no form was issued and include TB tester names on a list of bad people that is sent to us at Farmcare every month! In most cases, when we enquire, the form has indeed been issued so these phone calls can be saved by making sure the correct box on SAM is ticked.