12 Oct Holding Number Changes
The Authority have begun a twelve month period of transition which will bring some changes to the way livestock holdings are defined and how temporary land use is registered. The key points as we understand them are the following:
· Linkage of holdings via CTS will cease.
· Sole Occupancy Authorities (SOAs) are being removed.
· All temporary CPH numbers are being removed.
· The maximum radius for livestock holdings is increasing from 5 miles to 10 miles for all specie. Therefore farmers with more than one CPH within a 10 mile radius may opt to merge them.
If a keeper is to use land on a temporary basis and have sole occupancy of that land they may apply for a Temporary Land Association (TLA) or a new Temporary CPH (tCPH) number under the new arrangements.
We are uncertain quite how this project might affect TB testing allocation but it may lead to more practices wishing to share testing with a neighbouring practice. This is reasonably easy to arrange although there are some common traps to avoid when it comes to reconciling all the animals presented for the test. We recommend that you speak with our administration team who will do what they can to assist.