23 Nov Extension of TB post-movement testing requirements to annual surveillance testing parts of the edge area of England
Since 1 August 2023, cattle (which includes farmed bison and Asiatic water buffalo) moved to herds in annual surveillance testing parts of the Edge Area require compulsory post-movement testing if they originate from higher TB incidence areas of England (high-risk area (HRA) and six-monthly surveillance testing parts of the Edge Area) and from Wales.
This policy change applies to direct movements of cattle from one holding to another holding, and to indirect movements of cattle via markets and shows. A small number of specific exemptions to post-movement testing apply, mirroring those that already apply in the low-risk area of England (LRA). Cattle that require a post-movement test cannot move to other holdings until the post-movement test has been completed with negative results, unless a specific exemption applies.
Cattle keepers need to arrange and pay for post-movement testing. A government-funded whole herd surveillance test can be used as a post-movement test if the timing works. APHA wrote to all cattle keepers in annual surveillance testing parts of the Edge Area in June 2023 to notify them of the policy change. For a limited time only, APHA will send monthly notification letters to keepers identified as bringing in cattle that may need a post-movement test. Also, APHA ceased producing the monthly notifications for cattle keepers in the LRA that had moved cattle from other parts of England or Wales into their herds and potentially require to be post-movement tested. Ultimately, cattle keepers are responsible for ensuring that they comply with TB testing rules.
Practices can access information on TOM on risk area movement relating to holdings they look after, from the My Practice tile on the TOM home screen. Detail provided includes the CPH onto which the animal has moved, the ear tag identity of the animal and the date on which the movement took place. This can assist practices in knowing when a post-movement test is required and support farmers’ compliance.
More information on the above is available on the TB Hub.