11 Sep Defra/industry bovine TB biosecurity workshop
Defra recently convened a workshop at the Royal Agricultural University in Gloucestershire to discuss aspects of TB Biosecurity. The workshop followed up on the Biosecurity Progress Report (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/bovine-tbbiosecurity-progress-report-2018) which was published in December 2018.
The report described a new biosecurity action plan covering guidance and information resources, education and training, communications, policy and evidence.
The workshop involved a variety of stakeholders including some private vets, farmers, BVA/ BCVA, farm assurance scheme providers, NFU,
AHDB, National Trust, Livestock Auctioneers Association and supermarkets. Contributions to this group are welcomed from anyone who has an interest and XL Farmcare would be happy to provide contact details and links to anyone involved in delivery of TB testing should they wish to get more actively involved in
this area.