29 Aug TB policy changes –potential impact
Having announced the ministerial intention to increase the testing frequency in the high risk areas to a default of testing every six months, the delivery arm of APHA have put implementation of such plans on hold pending an impact assessment especially in regard to the capacity of practices to respond.
XL Farmcare has been making strong representation regarding manpower issues alongside the political arms of the veterinary profession. We have been told that implementation
of six monthly testing has now been deferred at least until late next year. In relation to the Governments application to the European Community to make the low risk areas of England Officially TB Free (OTF), we have been told that any change in status will not automatically mean any immediate reduction in testing frequency. Scotland became OTF in September 2009, and after the first four year testing cycle was completed in 2015, many herds became eligible for exemption from routine TB testing. This involves herds below a certain size and those with limited cattle movements. It is hoped that if Europe grant OTF status to the low risk counties of England then after a further four years many herds will also become eligible for similar exemptions.